Papers for this journal should be fully documented research reports, empirical educational novel study, clinical care/case studies that interface with new methods or approaches to theoretical formulations and policy making in nursing and healthrelated disciplines.

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically to the Journal/College email or in triplicate copy sent via a Rewritable Compact Disc. The hard copies should be wordprocessed/typed on A4 size paper with double line spacing and 2cm margins. The first page should contain a brief biographical sketch comprising author (s) name, academic degrees and professional qualifications, present position and institution including functional e-mail address (es) and mobile telephone number(s). t should bear the title of the paper which should be concise, informative and not more than ten words and state whether the paper has been presented at a conference, workshop or seminar and whether it has been submitted for publication elsewhere. There should be an abstract which should not exceed 200 words. Following the abstract, the “key words” to the article must be listed. The paper should not exceed 15 pages (excluding references, tables and figures). Tables and figures must be inserted at the appropriate place with text.

Photographs wherever applicable to illustrate nursing activities should be in black and white with gloss finish or colour. Reference to them should be indicated in the body of the paper.

A research report should include the following:

(a) Statement of problem: Aim of the study and Significance of study.

(b) Review of literature pertinent to the study and theoretical frame work.

(c) Method which comprises design: sample; sampling procedure; sample size and rationale for the choice, their psychometric properties and procedure for use.

(d) Discussion on the findings.

Arrangement of references is based on the Vancouver style. These should be numbered consecutively in the order mentioned in the text. Citation number is placed in the text after the name when the reference is cited e.g. “according to Walter, Gatling &Mullee. etal’…”.

If no name is mentioned the citation is placed in the text at the end of the statement, e.g.”It has been shown that it is common in Nigeria.'”References of unpublished but accepted articles can be designated on “WAJN. In Press 2003.”

Authors are responsible for completeness and accuracy of all citation.

A maximum of three authors should be quoted but if there are more, only the first three should be listed followed by et al.

In the list of references, all references in the text are numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text and Journal Abbreviations should conform to index Medicus National Library of Medicine. The reference should include author(s) name(s), title of article, name of the Journal, year of publication, volume of the Journal and the first and last pages of the article in that order e.g. Walter DP, Gatling

W, Mullee MA and Hill AD: Prevalence of diabetic distal sensory neuropathy in an English community 1992;9: 349-353. References to Books should in addition include the names of author(s), edition number (where appropriate) town of origin and names of publishers e.g. Adelowo, EO. The Nursing Profession in Nigeria, Ikeja; Lagos:

Lanhern Books; 1989.

All articles accepted for publication become the property of the West African Journal of Nursing. The Editors reserve the right to edit all articles to ensure their suitability for the journal. Authors will receive one copy of the issue in which their article is published.

Articles accepted for publication remain the copyright of the journal and may not be reproduced else where without permission of the Editor-in-Chief.

All articles are blind peer reviewed.

Manuscripts that do not conform to these guidelines will be rejected and returned to the authors. All manuscripts should be addressed to the West African Journal of


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